The Exit Poll Puzzle: Insights into Variations in 2024 India ElectionsThe 2024 Indian general elections were a striking example of exit polls varying significantly from the final results. Exit polls projected…Jun 6, 2024Jun 6, 2024
What did Jesus' Parable of Great Banquet mean?‘I tell you, not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.’Nov 28, 2022Nov 28, 2022
PinSage: How Pinterest improved their recommendation system?Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Web-Scale Recommender SystemsMar 25, 20191Mar 25, 20191
Neural Network observations witImplementing Neural Networks and checking how the accuracy changes upon the change of parametersMar 1, 2019Mar 1, 2019
Decision Tree vs Random ForestThis blog is about the results and observations of the works in Decision Tree and Random Forest.Mar 1, 2019Mar 1, 2019
Published inTDS ArchiveTF-IDF for Document Ranking from scratch in python on real world dataset.Check how document ranking is done using “TF-IDF Cosine Similarity” and “TF-IDF Matching Score” on a real world dataset.Feb 15, 201920Feb 15, 201920
Introduction to Information Retrieval SeriesThis is a series of stories in which i will be sharing basic concepts of Information Retrieval using Code and easily understandable…Feb 3, 20191Feb 3, 20191
Artificial Intelligence: 6. Q Learning and SARS on Maze in OpenAIHyperparameters Used:Jan 27, 2019Jan 27, 2019
Artificial Intelligence: 4. GA, MA, CSP for Timetable GenerationGenetic Algorithm (GA)Jan 27, 2019Jan 27, 2019